Vinod ZutshiConsultants & Advisors

Webinar on ‘Technology , a partner of tourism in post covid era

Technology and Tourism , will now be inseparable ,both in post covid as well as post covid-vaccine era.

In times to come, the ‘virtual world ‘will occupy a significant place in the world of travel and tourism. It would however not replace the virtues of ‘real world’. Both these ‘worlds’ will coexist and complement each other, for the betterment of the sector, globally.

The new normal, forced by covid crisis, must be seen as an opportunity by travel and tourism stakeholders, for imbibing and embedding, relevant technology in their business models and marketing strategies, for their own revival and for sustainability of the sector.

It was a pleasure to address the Webinar on ‘Technology , a partner of tourism in post covid era’ organised by New Tourism Foundation.

My thoughts are recorded in the attached video film.

Technology and Tourism , will now be inseparable ,both in post covid as well as post covid-vaccine era.In times to come, the 'virtual world 'will occupy a significant place in the world of travel and tourism. It would however not replace the virtues of 'real world'. Both these 'worlds' will coexist and complement each other, for the betterment of the sector, globally. The new normal, forced by covid crisis, must be seen as an opportunity by travel and tourism stakeholders, for imbibing and embedding, relevant technology in their business models and marketing strategies, for their own revival and for sustainability of the sector.It was a pleasure to address the Webinar on 'Technology , a partner of tourism in post covid era' organised by New Tourism Foundation. My thoughts are recorded in the attached video film.

Posted by Vinod Zutshi Ias Retd on Thursday, May 21, 2020

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