Vinod ZutshiConsultants & Advisors

Webinar on ‘ Rebuilding Domestic Tourism- Focus Andhra Pradesh’

Andhra Pradesh registered an impressive 195 million domestic tourist visits during 2018, fourth highest in the country and has remained as a relatively health-safe State during covid. The State therefore has great potential to be one of the early starters of domestic tourism.

Andhra Pradesh is well connected with air, having 4 airports; with rail having Vijaywada as a connecting junction ; with
NH4,NH5 and NH7 roads and has incredible tourism destinations, suiting all tastes and themes viz pilgrimage, nature , ecotourism, beaches, cruise, heritage and cultural tourism.

The tourism infrastructure support provided by Ministry of Tourism, to the State, through swadesh darshan and prashad schemes will help the State to promote its coastal and buddhist tourism circuits more aggressively.

Although the 2015 Tourism Policy of Andhra Pradesh(which was held valid for 5 years) has rightly placed its focus on theme- based and destination -based development, the State, when it formulates a new policy, should additionally factor issues like health-safety during travel and at destinations ;expand travel trade base ;augment hotel and mice infrastructure; offer better incentives to help the industry to revive from the crisis created by covid and bring in investment friendly policies and procedures.

It was a pleasure to address the Webinar on ‘ Rebuilding Domestic Tourism- Focus Andhra Pradesh’ organised by New Tourism Foundation.

My thoughts and suggestions, to accelerate domestic tourism in Andhra Pradesh, are in my address in the attached video.

Andhra Pradesh registered an impressive 195 million domestic tourist visits during 2018, fourth highest in the country and has remained as a relatively health-safe State during covid. The State therefore has great potential to be one of the early starters of domestic tourism.Andhra Pradesh is well connected with air, having 4 airports; with rail having Vijaywada as a connecting junction ; with NH4,NH5 and NH7 roads and has incredible tourism destinations, suiting all tastes and themes viz pilgrimage, nature , ecotourism, beaches, cruise, heritage and cultural tourism. The tourism infrastructure support provided by Ministry of Tourism, to the State, through swadesh darshan and prashad schemes will help the State to promote its coastal and buddhist tourism circuits more aggressively.Although the 2015 Tourism Policy of Andhra Pradesh(which was held valid for 5 years) has rightly placed its focus on theme- based and destination -based development, the State, when it formulates a new policy, should additionally factor issues like health-safety during travel and at destinations ;expand travel trade base ;augment hotel and mice infrastructure; offer better incentives to help the industry to revive from the crisis created by covid and bring in investment friendly policies and procedures.It was a pleasure to address the Webinar on ' Rebuilding Domestic Tourism- Focus Andhra Pradesh' organised by New Tourism Foundation.My thoughts and suggestions, to accelerate domestic tourism in Andhra Pradesh ,are in my address in the attached video.

Posted by Vinod Zutshi Ias Retd on Tuesday, July 14, 2020

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