“FICCI launched its first edition of Travel and Tourism Excellence Awards at a grand ceremony, last friday, at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi, and it was a pleasure for me to be the Chairperson of the Jury, constituted by FICCI for these awards.
Rewards and recognitions have tremendous significance in travel & tourism sector, in motivating, inspiring and energizing people at work place. Keeping this fact in mind, Ministry of Tourism has been giving National Tourism Awards for many years and there are many more institutions and organizations in travel & tourism industry which have initiated to give awards to all those who have done a great job in travel & tourism space and whose success stories are worth emulating. FICCI also instituted these awards with a view to recognising organisations and individuals for their contribution to travel & tourism industry; encourage entrepreneurship and innovation and to honour those who have contributed to the Indian economy through tourism.
While, I compliment FICCI for having adopted a professional, objective and transparent mechanism for selecting the awardees, their policy of covering a wide range of verticals, themes and new areas of travel & tourism, in the first edition itself, is laudable.
FICCI has been working in the field of travel & tourism for the past three decades and is one of the most prestigious institutions in the eyes of Tourism Ministry, State Tourism Departments and Tourism Fraternity of India.
FICCI Awards therefore are as prestigious as the institution itself.”
Addressed at FICCI Awards event and gave away awards for some award categories.