Vinod ZutshiConsultants & Advisors

Tourism Students Festival (TSF’20)

I take pleasure in reminding dear students, young professionals and the entire travel and tourism fraternity, that New Tourism Foundation is bringing Tourism Students Festival (TSF’20) on 16th and 17th October 2020; a two-day virtual event, comprising interesting interactions ,among Govt, Industry, Academia and Young professionals, to discuss on a variety of issues confronted by the tourism sector today and to find solutions and the way forward for the industry as also to identify opportunities for all stakeholders including Students and Young Professionals.

TSF’ 20 is also an effort to bring all stakeholders in the travel and tourism domain under one umbrella .The event will have around 25 Interactive Sessions on subjects related to all possible verticals, themes and segments of travel and tourism sector, with over 200 Speakers comprising officials and representatives from Ministry of Tourism , State Tourism Departments, Industry Chambers, Leadership of Tourism Associations, Industry Leaders of India and Abroad , Central and State Universities, Tourism and Hospitality Institutes, Startup Enterprises , Young professionals and Students. TSF’20 is likely to have more than 1300+ guests from across the spectrum participating in the event, making it as as one- of- its- kind event.

TSF’20 has been able to become a national event, because of cooperation and support, that New Tourism Foundation received ,from Ministry of Tourism, State Governments, National Level Tourism Associations and Bodies , Industry Leaders, Universities , Tourism Education Institutions and Students, from all over the Country.

It will be a pleasure ,if one and all, join and watch this ‘Collective Endeavour’


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