Vinod ZutshiConsultants & Advisors

International Virtual Conference on Enhancing Tourism Competitiveness in the Post Pandemic Period

World Tourism Day is commemorated every year on 27th September ,to spread awareness among the International community about the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.

UNWTO has designated 2020 as the Year of ” Tourism and Rural Development”. The whole world will celebrate the important role that tourism plays in providing opportunities outside of big towns, and in promoting rural development through tourism.

Rural tourism ,is a USP of our country. And therefore, in the post pandemic period, let us all celebrate the World Tourism Day 2020 by resolving to bring Rural Tourism to the center stage of India Tourism and promote its virtues, over the next one year.

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, let us also enhance our ‘Tourism competitiveness’, to mitigate the effects of Covid and to ensure faster recovery of the sector.

It would be a pleasure to address at the International Virtual Conference , to mark and celebrate the WTD 2020.

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