“Tourism in India is on a high growth trajectory, that has brought significant changes in demand and supply patterns. Tourism being a service industry, its growth would continue as long as supply of human resource and service providers matches the demand of the industry. The key to future success in tourism would however depend upon the quality of services and therefore quality training of human resource to prepare professional and talented service providers, is the immediate need of the hour. The role of tourism educational institutions and educators therefore assumes very high importance..With fast changing tourism environment, use of digital technology in the sector, e-commerce bringing about paradigm shift in consumer behaviour and emergence of Niche tourism areas, it is time that educational institutions in the tourism sector accelerated their focus on strengthening the skills and competency of their teaching faculty, sensitized them to the changing needs and demands in tourism sector and ensured regular industry – academia interaction with a view to producing quality and professional manpower for the sector.”
Addressed at the Valedictory Session of one week National Workshop on ‘Tourism and Hospitality Services Management’ organised by Faculty Development Centre, an MHRD centre at Garhwal Central University in Srinagar, Uttarakhand.